Transfer Time

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you're all getting through your Monday pretty well!

This week was pretty fun. We ate spicy ramen, stood up President Hess at a lesson, and finished this transfer working hard. The transfer call was on Saturday night and we're both staying in the area and are super excited. We got super psyched and were high-fiving when we found out. This transfer is going to be super awesome. 

We're finally almost done with all of the Facebook stuff that we were doing so we have more time to focus on the branch and finding new people, which is honestly awesome. I've grown a lot this transfer and can't wait for another. I've finally started to get the hang of setting goals and being accountable. I've been setting much better goals, and I've been seeing a lot more motivation when I have my goals right in front of me and I take time to measure how I did at the end of the day. I've made several spreadsheets to keep track of how well I'm doing in all my different goals. 

One thing that's interesting this coming transfer is that our district will now just be Spanish missionaries because the First Presidency wants to try to group languages for districts. That means our District Councils will be in all Spanish and I'll have to do training and conduct the meeting in Spanish now. 

We've got some cool people that we're working with. We found this guy named Edgar who went to school with the Branch President. He told us he was Catholic, and then summarized his beliefs—which were all very different than Catholic beliefs—and asked us which church was true, so I think he could use some guidance in his life right now. He has a really great knowledge of the Bible and loves reading from it. We blew his mind by showing him that there are books that are mentioned in the Bible that aren't contained in it (Jasher, Iddo, Nathan, etc.). We've got an appointment with him tonight. It seems like he's got a lot of promise. 

We're still working with the Acosta family, but they totally juked us yesterday. That was unfortunate because President Hess wanted to come to an appointment with us and we told him that they'd be super solid. Then we got the text from her like 15 minutes before he was set to meet us at their house. We sent him a text to tell him not to come and went back to what we were doing, then realized as he called us that the text never sent. So he was basically just chilling out in front of their house waiting for us, which was super embarrassing. We're probably going to bring him cookies or something.

We had to take Felipe off of his baptismal date because even though he's finally reading, he doesn't super understand what we're teaching him and we want him to fully understand what he's doing. 

Today we had a great time going through different historical sites from the Revolutionary war. I'll put some pics on. 

Spiritual thought this week is about the Plan of Salvation, which is a lesson we've taught a few times this week. It clicks with so many people. If God is our Loving Heavenly Father it makes sense that he'd want us to be happy and help lead us to happiness. We've been showing a lot of people the video "Earthly Father, Heavenly Father". It's been cool to watch the dads connect the fact that God loves us like they love their kids. My invitation is that if you ever feel that God isn't there or doesn't love you, to kneel and ask him. I promise that you'll feel of that love. 

I leave that promise in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all! Hope you're doing well!